Services We Offer

We Provide Services Across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Gloucestershire

Domiciliary Care

We support people to live independently at home, with a care worker helping with tasks. These could include helping you get up and about in the morning, shopping, making sure you take your medication at the right time, feeding pets or helping you move around the house. We will work with you and your family to get it right.

Live-in Care

Our Live-in care service provides one-to-one, 24-hour bespoke care allowing people to stay in the comfort of their own homes while being cared for. Our live-in care service can be for an individual and or for a couple, and we can support people of all ages with a variety of attention needs and dependency levels. We can provide live-in care for health issues such as dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Parkinson’s.

Elderly Care Services

Residential Supported Livind

Supported living services can help if you do not want to live in residential care but you're finding it difficult to cope at home.They're a combination of suitable accommodation – which can be your own home – with some forms of personal care (like help with washing or cooking).

Some supported living homes are shared by 2 or 3 people with a similar health problem, such as a substance misuse problem or a particular disability.Staff usually visit the home to help you get out of bed, go out to college or work, and do simple tasks such as shopping, housework and repairs.


Osteopathy aims to help restore the normal function and stability of the joints which enables the body to heal itself. Tak, our Osteopath is committed to helping people of all ages and walks of life with natural, effective osteopathy treatments designed to relieve pain and restore health. Our bespoke osteopathy service uses a combination of techniques to treat the body, and each technique is selected to suit each individual and their symptoms. Osteopathy can help treat many conditions, including but not limited to, Arthritic Pain, Foot and Heel Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica and General Stiffness.

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